
Sunday 24 April 2022

Revelation Of Being A Psychic Medium - Interview with the Psychic Medium...

Here is the interview about the journey and revelation of being a psychic medium. We discussed questions such how to become a psychic medium, how to connect with your ancestors and how can one benefit from consulting a medium/

I hope you will enjoy this interview.

Tuesday 19 April 2022

How To Deal With Bullying At Work

How will you know if you are being bullied and what strategies should you take to overcome the situation of being bullied at work? Here is the great interview on bullying, I hope you enjoy it.

Monday 18 April 2022

How To Deal With Bullying At Work

Bullying at work happens across all level at work. You will have to notice the patterns of a bully and document every incident that transpired as part of evidence to present your case to Human Resource Department. Emotional Intelligence is very important in order to face a bully.  

I hope you will enjoy this interview.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Unleashing Your Full Potential

Do you know who  you are? most people do not know who they are and they undermine themselves. If someone has got an idea to start a business or recognises an opportunity, that person would say who am I to start a business immediately after that a negative thought comes out to support the statement that what if I fail and people would lough at me. Let me just forget about idea and live my life the way it is, secure and safe. That is where most people miss it because being in a habit zone, you will miss your passion and your wealth; and you will follow your pension which will lead you to your retirement. Now just think about it after sixty years of your life, would you tell people that you have enjoyed your life to the fullest because you were afraid to take risks and explore more opportunities.

Did you know that the most wealthiest spot on this planet is not the gold and diamond mine, it is the cemetery or graveyard around your local area. Those people who passed on died with God's ideas and talents, they had dreams or goals that never came to pass such as songs that were never sung or books that were never written and visions that never became a reality.

Because some of those people made wrong decisions. They were hanging with wrong friends and some were involved in substance abuse; and some lived purposelessness life, therefore their potential remained buried.The worse enemy in your life is you, you are afraid of the potential that you have within you. We are responsible for the potential stored within us. We must learn to understand it and effectively use it. Success becomes our enemy as we settle for what we have, refuse to be satisfied with your last accomplishment, because potential never has a retirement plan.

One may ask, what is potential? Potential is dormant ability, reserved power, untapped strength, unused success, hidden talent and capped capability. In a nutshell, all you can be but have not yet become or all you can do but have not yet done. In other words what you have done is no longer your potential or what you have successfully accomplished is no longer your potential. Potential demands that you never settle for what you have accomplished.

We should know that we are holding seeds in our own hands, the truth of the matter is we are holding a forest in our hand, why? because in every seed there is a tree, and in every tree there is a fruit or flowers with seeds in them.

What would the world have lost if you had not been born? our teens are committing suicide, I wonder who they were supposed to be and what they were suppose to do that will never know. Have we lost great leaders? Remember that failure is not the absence of success. Failure is the neglect of trying. God packaged some things in you for the good of the world, use them, do not die with God's things.

Everything in life was created with potential and possesses the potential principle. Creation abounds with potential because the creator himself is the potential principle. When we describe GOD, we often say he is omnipotent which means that GOD is always potent. Omni means always and potent means full of power therefore omnipotent means that GOD is potentially everything, everything comes from GOD.

You may have an idea about doing something and think that idea is yours, no it is not yours, it came from GOD who is the source of everything, so whatever that we think or do is not new. We are like God,we are pregnant with many things. God will not give an idea knowing that you can not do it. You will have to plan and God will guide you and you will have to start where you are. By taking action towards your idea, you prove to God that you have faith in him. God wants us to tap his power and use it, because God made us with potential.

Do you know who you are? surely you are not a junk. There are many people who are being passed by because others do not see what is in them and God sees something in you. Do not accept opinions of others because they do not see what God sees. May be you have been told that you will amount to nothing and you have begun to believe it; and you started to compete with other people, trying to prove that you are somebody and feel like nobody, be free from that today, you do not have to be somebody, because you are somebody and stop believing what others say about you.

Your potential needs responsibility, everything starts with a desire, you must have a desire first in order to change your life. Desire means to crave for something at the expense of losing everything. Everything in life starts in the thought form, then next step is an idea, an idea is the concept of the thought, it has moved into reality, ideas are potentials.

The third level of operation is what called imagination, imagination changes an idea into a plan, imagination is a plan that is not documented, it is a visual display of thoughts and ideas. Plans are documented imagination, if you document an imagination, you have developed a plan of action. If you have not documented your plan for the next five years, you do not know what is going in your life. If there is no vision in front of you to pull you on, you will be dragged back to the path you know well. Progress requires a plan of action, ideas must be put down if they are to influence the way we live.

Remember that there is no retirement in the bible, there are times when we get tired of our jobs, in fact, we get so tired that we look for retirement, God does not think like that. The thing God thinks is rest, why? because God knows you have eternity to go just like he does. The wealth of your potential is so rich, it requires an eternal life to bring it out.

God bless!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Attitude Is A Difference Maker

The word attitude is very confusing, for example. when someone says you are giving me an attitude, you would just assume that it's a negative attitude then what about positive attitude. If you are giving someone a positive attitude that person won't say anything. Maybe people should also tell if we are giving them a positive attitude and they should be specific whether it a negative or positive attitude.

First lets define an attitude
Attitude is an inward feeling expressed by an outward behaviour

Now lets look where does attitude come from?
Personality - who you are, we are different even if we are brothers and sisters but we are different, our fingerprints are different.
Environment - what surrounds you, the environment you are exposed, to have an impact e.g. divorce or death
Expression of others - This is the expression from people around you, especially teachers when they make positive or negative comments.
Self-image - how you see yourself - poor self-image or poor attitude work hand in hand
Exposure - to opportunities , attending courses/attending workshop and reading books
Association - associate with peers - wrong crowd, low moral character
Beliefs - what you think, thoughts you have shape your life
Choices - change inside, it is a choice - choose to be happy , decide what you need, choose friends or your husband or wife

Now lets look what attitude can not do for you
Someone would say attitude is only difference between success and failure, if you can believe, you can do it or make it happen, a dream alone can not bring success.
Your attitude can not substitute your competence - confidence is the function of attitude and competence is the function of ability.
Your attitude can not change facts for e.g you can not change your height
Attitude can not substitute your personal growth - stop waiting for the man you want to become and be the man you want to be right now.
Your attitude can not stay good automatically, you have to remind yourself that today I am going to have a great attitude, have friends who will remind you about your attitude.

What attitude can do for you
"I can not choose what is happening to me but I can choose what is happening in me"
Your attitude makes a difference in your approach to life (expect great things in life)
Your attitude makes a difference in your relationships with people. (how you perceive yourself) and you must have elevator principle - uplifting others and learning principle - learning from others
Your attitude makes a difference on how you face challenges in life. (in life there are challenges or problems and they are inevitable what does not kill you, makes you stronger)
Your attitude is the difference maker (how you see the world)

How to make your attitude your greatest asset
The attitude you possess, it is your responsibility and no one else's, look where you are and look at yourself objectively.
Identify problem feelings about yourself
Where you feel most negative about yourself
Identify problem feeling about others
What negative thoughts consistently have in your mind - negative thoughts leads to negative beliefs.
"Do not let discouragement get inside of you, it will destroy you inside out, if you believe in yourself, see discouragement as temporary set back, you will bounce back"

Yes attitude is for sure a difference maker and success is waiting for you out there.